Theo D. F. Somsen
Hindenhoek 11
8172 AC Vaassen
The Netherlands
Ph.+31 578 572867




Derk J. Somsen
Monteverdilaan 175
8031 DL Zwolle
The Netherlands
Ph.+31 38 4542360



Dear member of the Somsen family,

Quite a lot of our relatives asked us to extend the deadline of February 1, 1997. Therefore we decided to extend this date to April 1, 1997. Until that date you can order family-books and video tapes. You also have the opportunity to send in your registration form for the reunion until that date. And the conditions will remain the same until April 1. So: take advantage of this new and last opportunity!

The writing is done and the translators will finish their job at the end of February. In the meantime we are selecting the illustrations (documents, photo's a.s.o.). Between March and May the publisher has to do an awful lot of work, and after correcting the results the printing can be done in June. Before the reunion you will have received your family-book(s), so you are able to enjoy it and take it with you to the reunion! Price: $ 60,= each (post free). To order one or more family-books, please make your check (or money order) payable in US-dollars to Somsen Genealogy and address it to:

Mrs.Marieke Edwards
920 East Bay Dr. NE #3D301
Olympia, WA. 98506

note 1:
We advise you to order more than one family-book: for your children, grandchildren, other relatives (as a present) and even your grand-grandchildren.
note 2:
If you want to order e.g. 2 family-books, address a check (or money order) of $ 120,--.
note 3:
If you have already ordered books and transferred money: Don't do anything.
note 4:
If you order your book(s) after April 1, 1997 the price will be $ 75,= each.
note 5:
Marieke will send a receipt after receiving your payment(s).

The production of the Video "Somsen Panorama" is as planned. Even the shots out of the sky over Aalten and its surroundings have been taken. The English undertitled version will be available on VHS NTSC-system, which is used in the USA.
Price: $ 20,= each, if you take it with you at the great reunion or
Price: $ 27,= each, afterwards (postfree).

To order one or more video tapes, please make your check (or money order) stating NTSC-system payable in US-dollars to Somsen Genealogy and address it to Mrs. Marieke Edwards (see above).

Please address your registration form to:
Somsen-Reunion 1997
Maanstraat 19
7553 DT Hengelo
The Netherlands

But: address your check (or money order) to Mrs.Marieke Edwards (see above).
Price: $ 31,= each (Participation A)
Price: $ 47,= each (Participation B).

There is a new and wonderful opportunity to join the reunion! Thanks to an initiative of our relative Cornelius W.Somsen, a travelagent (specialized in reunion tours) can offer you a complete reunion tour for a most attractive price. 'Corny' asked us to insert the following information:

So more of the cousins can afford to go to Holland, we are attempting to combine us under one travel agent to increase our buying power. I have contacted Witte Travel from Grand Rapids, MI., to see about arranging a "tour" to Holland for all the North American Somsens. I know some people who have went on a number of tours with Witte Travel and have been very happy with their tours and their arrangements. Witte takes over 5.000 people annually to Europe and a great deal of them are to Holland. They are very familar with Holland and Aalten area. Witte Tours use Northwest and KLM extensively and have arranged special pricing for the air fares and also a hotel for those who will not be staying with family. Since Mr. Henry Witte thinks that this is a unique event, he wants to be helpful and is willing to make these arrangements for us even though we are not a regular tour that they usually take. Witte has also arranged a couple of additional options to the two basic tours that they have put together. Witte can also make your arrangements flying over no matter when you are leaving, when you are coming back or from which city you are flying into or out of Europe. They can also book any other tours you might want to take when you are there. Witte can accommodate the Somsens!!!

Witte Travel is putting together a promotional brochure which will spell out the details of the basic tours and options with the costs.


Witte Travel
3250 - 28th Street, S.E.,
Grand Rapids, MI. 49512-1640 USA
Local Tel: (616) 957-8113
Toll Free: (800) 469-4883
Fax: (616) 957-9716
(Ask for the agent in charge of the
Somsen Family Reunion Tour)


Cornelius W. Somsen
6009 Whited Avenue
Minnetonka, MN.55345-6746 USA
Home Tel: (612) 934-2817
Office Tel: (612) 938-3589
Fax: (612) 938-3580

This newsletter + a lot of updated interesting family-information can be seen on the Somsen Home Page on URL:

In order to complete our genealogic database we are still looking forward to some Family Sheets. If you haven't responded until now: please return your Family Sheet(s) as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!

Our next Newsletter (nr.5) will be published in May 1997!

Warmest regards,

Theo and Derk Somsen




Secr. Maanstraat 19
7553 DT Hengelo
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 74 2506610

Dear member of the Somsen family,

As agreed you hereby receive the second Newsletter from the Reunion-committee. The respons to our first Newsletter, with attached registrationform, was excellent. More than 282 bookings to attend the Saturday program had reached us by the middle of January. A 194 people have booked for the Sunday program in Aalten and IJzerlo. So clearly, people are highly interested in attending the Reunion and the Reunion-committee is very pleased about the results so far. We are working energetically to make sure the reunion will become a success.

Term of registration and payment for attending the reunion
We received several requests to extend the term for registration and payment. The reasons are many members of the family are getting eager for the reunion now and because of the conversations in the families people have become enthusiastic. The closing date for sending in your registrationform and for transferring your payment is now set on 1 April 1997.

Term of registration and payment for the "Somsen-Panorama-Video"
106 orders had been placed by the middle of January; 56 for the PAL-system and 50 for the NTSC-system. Ben Somsen videotaped everywhere and the first shots we were allowed to see, were absolutely fantastic; a piece of professional skill which all Somsens will certainly be able to identify themselves with. A sensitive recording of our family roots. Of great value indeed! The term for registration and payment for the video is also extended till 1 April 1997.

Witte Travel
Corny Somsen, from Minnetonka, MN. enlisted Mr. Henry Witte of Witte Travel, Grand Rapids, MI. to organize a joint journey for all the Somsens from the USA. Mr. Witte has been to the Netherlands and we discussed his plans.

Evening program at Erve Kots
The Saturdayevening program at Erve Kots on 9 August 1997, though very informel, still needs some programming. Have you got any ideas or would you like to make some contribution, please let us know and we will try and draw up a nice program.

Market at Erve Kots
People are much interested in participating in the market at Erve Kots on Saturdayafter- noon. There are various bookings, for example, for hand-made musical instruments, old family pictures, antique tools, paintings and sculptures, glass-engraving, spinning, pokerwork etc. If you are still interested in partaking you can register your activity at the secretary even now.

Square dans USA
Having received a number of requests for learning how to dance the square dance we would like to ask our American relatives if they are able and willing to do so. Please, send your "positive" answer to the secretary. In case you need something, let us know and we'll try to arrange things.

Many relatives reacted to our call to bring along there musical instruments. Interested? Please notify the secretary stating the instrument so we can provide sheets of music. For all your questions you can contact:

Wim Somsen,
Hoge Heurnseweg 8
7095 CJ De Heurne
The Netherlands.
Phone: +31 315 652115.

The week after the Reunion
During the week following the reunion, Monday 11 - Friday 15 August, we are planning to organize some activities in the neighbourhood of Aalten. We will draw up a program and you are welcome to join at any time. Futher information will be given later.

Reunion Car-sticker
Ben Somsen designed a special reunion car-sticker which will be send to all Reunion-parti- cipators along with the Newsletter of May 1997.

You can send all your questions and suggestions to the secretary of the Reunion-committee.

Reunion Newsletter nr. 3
Newsletter nr. 3 can be awaited in May 1997.